Wednesday 29 May 2013

A trip to Howth & Exams

 This update is going to be quite short because nothing very exciting has been happening this week, it has been horrible studying for all of my Summer exams. I am finished on Friday! I can't wait to finish and be free! Last Friday, my class and I went on a trip with our geography teacher to Howth Head. It was a pretty tough walk up but it was fun. We got the train to Howth and stayed there for a while after.

Robyn and Ciara on the train.


Sophie, Me and Tara's shoes

The view from Howth Head.

Eating Lunch.

Ice- Creams!

I got back my Home Ec Cooking practical result and I got an A, yay!

Chloe x

Sunday 19 May 2013

Paramore Concert 2013!

 I Just got STANDING tickets to Paramore in The 02 Dublin in September!! SOOO EXCITED! Its on September 2nd which is just when we start back school after the summer holidays but I don't care.. I am SO Happy! I've wanted to see Paramore for years, they're one of my favourite bands! I seriously can't wait!! I'm going with four of my friends! Absolutely crazyyyy, hurry up September, I have never wanted you to come faster!

If you haven't bought the new album yet- Go get it!

Today I went to the Omni Shopping Centre and went to Eddie Rockets with my bestiezz.  I bought these Sunnies in 'Dealz'. And some Ice Tea, yummy! Also I had a lot of sugar today so I was quite hyper taking these photo's!

Thank you,
Chloe x

Sunday 5 May 2013

OOTD: Going out for dinner!

 This weekend my parents are gone away to Jersey so my Nana and Grandad are minding us. Yesterday I went to my friend Sophie's brothers Conformation Party and they had a bouncy castle! I have scratches, cuts and bruises all over my knees and arms, but it was so fun! Today I am going to Malahide for dinner with my cousins! And... this is what i'm wearing :) Also I straightened my hair!

Dress- Catch
Converse- Schuh

Chloe x